What is Active Sourcing and why is it so relevant nowadays?
Active sourcing is all about actively tracking down and approaching potential talents for a vacancy. Today, it's called Employee Market instead of Employer's Market. What does that mean? Qualified employees do not longer look around for job ads placed by the company. This method of so-called post and pray has long since died out.
It's no longer a secret that what makes a successful company is its inner workings, which are basically nothing more than the people who work there. For companies, thanks to this modern form of recruiting, there is more and more a chance to fill your company with high quality workers who might never have applied for the job on their own...
Which channels do suitable talents prefer to use these days?
Different career sites and fairs, job boards or various social media channels. The choice of recruiting channels is large. There is a distinction made between online and offline channels. Online channels include job portals such as Stepstone, career platforms like LinkedIn and Xing, or social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. Offline channels such as internal recruiting or HR consultants are not as popular in contrast to the online method.
So which channels are the right choice for your active sourcing process?
We have listed some steps for you to follow in order to find the right target group:
1. Ask yourself what makes you stand out as an employer, what you offer and what values you stand for. This will help you determine which channels are best suited to your services.
2. Don't lose sight of your competition.
It is not a mistake to look at which channels your competitors, who are in the same industry as you, are using. On the contrary, it gives you more room to adapt your skills to the market better and better and possibly become better than your competitors.
3. Know your recruiting KPIs. You should definitely track your key performance indicators in the recruiting process so that you can derive appropriate measures from them. For example, research which channels receive the most applications and whether they actually lead to hiring.
Our top 4-tips to run a successful active sourcing:
#Tip 1: Stay Present!
Always try to stay active on all your social networks to strengthen your company brand and thus give you a better image. This will give you a better chance of being seen as "interesting, attractive and great" by future employees.
#Tip 2: Forget "copy paste messages."
Stay creative. Be sure to be aware of why you want this one person on your team. Convince them of yourself by not only telling them about your USP, but much more why exactly this candidate is the ideal piece of the puzzle for your company. A boring script that you have already prepared is out of place here.
#Tip 3: Don't waste time!
Now you are certainly asking yourself, waste time? Correct, the danger that one goes too fast into a "wrong hole" and with it is nothing more than a wrong social channel is large. Carefully research beforehand which platforms your target audience is on to save time and be able to invest it in other important steps.
#Tip 4: Storytelling in a different way!
No, this does not mean the classic storytelling from marketing, well almost not. What is meant is that you should also integrate your employees. Ask them to spread the word about open positions on social networks such as LinkedIn, Xing, Facebook, etc.!
Every company has different goals, but one goal always remains the same: everyone wants employees who have the necessary know-how to maximize success. Our digital world is constantly changing and it can be said that we are at the beginning of a new era. While in the past it was said that your cover letter has to be perfect to convince the respective employer, today it is just search, find, convince. We at Prosupo help you in this process to find the ideal candidates for your company to meet your needs. Our service of active sourcing connects entrepreneurs with employees and thus creates a middle value from which both sides benefit, because we keep our eyes open for you!