If you want to be efficient and proactive, you need to work in close coordination with a team. This is especially true for teams that work virtually.
We give you tips on how joint digital work can run successfully to achieve the best possible result for everyone involved.
With increasing globalization and digital progress, employees today have many more opportunities to work together virtually. Most companies have realised that a digital way of working can have a positive impact not only on employee flexibility and satisfaction, but also on the company's productivity and liquidity. So if it adds value to the work, employers are increasingly taking advantage of the opportunity to let their employees work from anywhere.
What are virtual teams?
Virtual teams are groups of people who come together, independent of time or space, to solve a common task. Communication is based on electronic media, such as e-mail, audio and video conferencing or web-based programs.
The team's ability to unite people from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds brings benefits to the organization. By having a large network within the team, made up of members from different companies, cultures and different skills, the whole team and the project participate. The result can reach a different level of productivity and creativity than a traditional team, as communication becomes more flexible.
Why virtual teams?
A better quality for everyone
In today's world, communication methods have changed drastically. Many people from Europe, North America, Asia or Australia work together with colleagues from other countries using virtual media. Thanks to these communication applications, work could take on a new quality.
Flexible working hours - time zone difference
Regardless of which country your virtual assistant comes from, the location-independent freedom that internet-based work brings can also benefit your own company. Because if your virtual assistant is in another country, jobs can be completed overnight and the finished results are in your email inbox the next morning.
The power of motivation
Virtual assistants are more motivated and inspired in their work thanks to location independence and their work-life balance. They bring a fresh perspective and strong communication skills to the team. This helps your company to be more innovative, productive and efficient.
Remote recruiting for better staff
Searching for staff exclusively digitally and checking the suitability of applicants via video interview can seem very challenging at first glance. However, for your company, this change brings lasting benefits. If you focus on these benefits, the transition will be easier for both you and your staff.
One of the advantages of remote recruiting is that the company can become more global. Nowadays, many applicants come from other countries. Switching to remote recruiting also opens up other new opportunities in the long run. For example, your company can build new relationships with applicants and thus also with countries that were previously outside the radius of the recruiters.
Making organization easier
Virtual team building is much easier to organize. It does not require much effort, money or space. A trainer and a computer with a webcam are all you need. You can do it in an office or at home, at any time and place that is convenient for you.
Tips for successful virtual cooperation
Transparency and regular exchange!
Effective communication is of utmost importance in the virtual working world. Written communication clearly prevails over the personal word and can be misinterpreted by the recipient in writing. For example, it can be interpreted as "cold" or "harsh", even if this was not the sender's intention. Messages must therefore always be written with a clear objective, the addressees should be addressed directly - but of course they must not sound commanding either.
A clearly defined structure!
Another important building block for virtual cooperation is a clearly structured organization: the respective responsibilities of the individual team members should be defined in good time and the workload distributed among them fairly and according to their knowledge and skills. Preset guidelines help to ensure that everyone in the digital working group can act independently and with their opinions taken into account. Adherence to fixed deadlines is also an important factor in planning and ensuring the punctuality of meetings.
Technical access must be clarified in advance, as well as appropriate instructions on how to use the available tools. When problems arise, each staff member must be told exactly what to do - for example, by participating in a daily video conference where staff can discuss the current project status with others.
Don't forget the word team!
Virtual teamwork is a cooperation model that allows each employee to work independently and with others, depending on their specific needs. It is important that there is also room for social interaction regardless of the tasks at hand. Virtual coffee breaks or after-work sessions allow teams to grow together and make everyday office life pleasant.
Conclusion - growing together as a virtual team
Do you have a small or medium-sized business but no office? Do you have little time and resources to invest in day-to-day business? Then a virtual team is exactly what you need. With our international presence, you can make a professional impression on customers and partners.
Depending on your needs, our services can be booked individually - creating space again for the important things in your business. Virtual staff gives you maximum flexibility, prestige and more time.